Friday 27 October 2017

How The Bitcoin Bubble Will Pop
Find The Best Deals In Bitcoin, Buy Or Sell? Find Out How.

I know many will dislike the video just for the title alone, but I hope you stick around as the analysis took me a while to put together.

Those of you who watch this channel know that I am a Bitcoin enthusiast and love analyzing it as an investment. Today we’re going to visit the other side. In this video, we don’t laugh when people call Bitcoin a bubble, a fraud, a tulip, a magic bean cult. We attempt to find the largest risks to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the long-term. I posit that these three catalysts are the three biggest threats

1) The possibility of Bitfinex and Tether being a fraud. I’ve discussed this some in a previous video, but am going into more detail on Bitfinex here.

2) A crackdown on ICOs that leads to a slowdown in funding, leading to Ethereum and other ICO-centric platforms going for a dive and taking the other cryptocurrencies with them. We look at the stances of governments on ICOs worldwide and attempt to find the direction we are headed in.

3) The shutdown of fiat gateways, locking crypto off from the real world on an international basis. While there is obvious fear related to this right now due to China, I discuss why perhaps this is not as likely as bears think. Still, we discuss how you can keep up with this and what’s important.

If you like what you’re reading here, you’ll like the articles much more which go into full detail on all of these possible catalysts. As always, I hope you enjoyed and please subscribe / like / comment.

Seeking Alpha (Article for this video, identical to Medium):
Seeking Alpha (All Articles):



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